8 Tips for Navigating the Holidays | A Journey to Self Care
This time of the year can be full of excitement, joy and festivities for many folks, and it can also come with the anxiety and stress of navigating the intricacies of family dynamics, grief and loss of loved ones and feelings of loneliness. These emotions, seemingly at odds with the festive spirit, cast a shadow that can be challenging to shake. Recognizing this reality, the importance of prioritizing self-care becomes increasingly evident, now more than ever.
At Latitude Wellness in Vancouver, we understand that the holiday journey is unique for each of us. This is where our co-founder and Registered Clinical Counsellor, Lauren Legere, steps in to provide guidance and support.
8 Tips to Relief Stress and Promote Self Care
In the midst of twinkling lights and seasonal cheer, incorporating self-care comes to the forefront of holiday planning. The holidays, with their blend of joy and stress, beckon us to navigate with grace. From tuning into your body's signals to cultivating gratitude and setting intentional boundaries, each tip offers an opportunity to slow down and truly enjoy the holiday season.
So, let's embark on this journey together, curated by Lauren, and embrace a season of self-care, connection, and well-deserved joy. At Latitude Wellness, we're not just here for the challenges, we're here to guide you towards a holiday experience that aligns with your well-being, ensuring that this festive season becomes a celebration of harmony and self-discovery;
Tune Into Your Body's Wisdom: Begin your journey to self-care by tuning into your body. Lauren encourages you to check in with your body. Are your shoulders hunched up towards your ears? Is your jaw clenched, or are headaches a frequent companion? Your body communicates more than you realize. Take a moment to scan your body and respond accordingly. Practice mindful relaxation techniques like deep breathing or gentle stretching to release tension and promote calm.
Set Boundaries for a Smooth Holiday Break: Consider what boundaries will contribute to a smooth holiday break for you. Lauren emphasizes that boundaries are essential for self-care. Reflect on your needs, whether it's carving out personal time for reflection, limiting social engagements, or creating sacred spaces. Establishing clear boundaries is an act of self-love that creates the foundation for an enjoyable and balanced holiday experience.
Strategies for Overcoming Overwhelm: Feeling overwhelmed around family and friends during the holidays is common. Lauren recommends implementing strategies to navigate these situations. It could be taking short breaks to recharge, engaging in calming activities, or having a plan to gracefully excuse yourself when needed. Prioritize your mental well-being and tailor your strategies to fit your unique needs.
Saying No to What Doesn't Serve You: Time is a limited resource, especially during the holidays. Reflect on what truly brings you joy and aligns with your values. Lauren emphasizes the importance of saying no to activities that don't resonate with you. If a commitment doesn't contribute positively to your well-being, gracefully decline to make room for what truly matters.
Reflect on Past Experiences for a Fuller Future: Take a moment to reflect on last year's holiday season. Lauren encourages you to consider what moments brought you joy and what you'd like to experience more of this year. Similarly, reflect on aspects you'd prefer to avoid or minimize. These reflections serve as a compass to guide your choices this holiday season, embracing a fuller and more satisfying festive celebration.
Express Gratitude for Joyful Moments: Let’s explore the power of gratitude. Take time to express gratitude for the simple joys, moments of connection, and the experiences that bring warmth to your heart. In the whirlwind of holiday activities, acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life can be a grounding and uplifting practice.
Practice Mindfulness for Present Moments: As you navigate the holiday hustle, embrace the practice of mindfulness. Lauren reminds us to savor each moment by engaging in activities with full presence. Mindfulness allows you to immerse yourself in the joy of the season, fostering a sense of peace and contentment amid the festivities.
Stay Active for Holistic Well-Being: Amidst the seasonal festivities, don't forget to keep your body and mind energized. Whether it's a brisk walk, a home workout, or a dance session, Lauren emphasizes the importance of staying active and how it contributes not only to physical health but also to overall well-being. Incorporate moments of movement into your routine to maintain a vibrant and balanced holiday experience.
As you navigate the holidays, remember that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. Tune into your body, set boundaries, strategize for overwhelm, say no to what doesn't serve you, and reflect on past experiences. Take the time to incorporate a few of these strategies with the approaching holiday hustle and place your well-being at the forefront of your planning to truly infuse the season with joy. Latitude Wellness is here to provide the guidance and support you need for a season of joy, well-being, and self-discovery. May your holidays be filled with the essence of Latitude, holistic, supportive, and transformative.
“Don’t forget to slow down and enjoy the holidays if this is a season you love. If this is a challenging time of the year for you, plan ahead to create as much comfort as you can. Spend time reflecting, reminiscing and recharging to get the most out of this time of the year. We are here cheering you on every step, and boundary, along the way.”
If you or someone you know is in search of assistance this holiday season, please remember that you are not alone. Our team is ready to provide support through connections with experienced Vancouver registered clinical counsellors. Whether you prefer virtual or in-person sessions, we have options available. Additionally, we offer affordable counseling for those facing financial constraints. Take the first step towards your well-being by reaching out to us.